Your Third Trimester Checklist

Heavily pregnant woman checking phone to illustrate consulting her third trimester checklist
September 19, 2024

The third trimester of pregnancy (weeks 28 to 40) marks the final stretch before you meet your baby, a time of excitement and preparation. In this post, we’ll cover the third trimester checklist to help you prepare for labor and your baby’s arrival with confidence.

Medical Third Trimester Checklist

Common Symptoms in the Third Trimester

Nausea at 33 weeks of pregnancy can take you by surprise, but is due to the baby’s pressure on your stomach.

Additionally, as your body works hard to support your growing baby, you may experience increased fatigue at 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Other common symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Swelling
  • Bloating
  • Mood swings caused by third trimester hormones.

Attend Your Frequent OBGYN Appointments

Keeping an eye on your baby is high on the third trimester checklist! Whether you’re seeing an ObGyn in Dallas, TX, or elsewhere, your medical visits ensure your baby’s development is on track. You may also have a final ultrasound in the third trimester of pregnancy to assess the baby’s position, growth, and the health of your placenta.

Your Personal Third Trimester Checklist

Visit Your Hospital or Birthing Facility

This visit will help you feel more comfortable when the time comes, and you’ll get to ask questions about the facility’s policies and procedures.

Choose a Pediatrician for Your Baby

Before your baby arrives, make sure to choose a pediatrician. Ask friends or family for recommendations, and meet with potential doctors to ensure they align with your values and expectations.

Create a Birthing Plan

Your birth plan is a written document outlining your labor and delivery preferences. Be sure to discuss it with your OBGYN and consider including:

  • Pain management options
  • Preferences for labor positions
  • Who will be present during labor and delivery

Pack Your Hospital Bag

This avoids last-minute stress:

  • Comfortable clothes for labor and post-delivery
  • Maternity bras and underwear
  • Toiletries
  • Baby’s first outfit, diapers, and blankets
  • Phone charger
  • Essential documents (ID, insurance information, birth plan)

Attend Prenatal Classes

These classes can help you get ready for labor and learn how to care for your newborn if it’s your first delivery:

  • Childbirth: stages of labor, pain management techniques, breathing exercises
  • Lactation: preparation for breastfeeding
  • Infant CPR: knowledge for emergency situations

Finish the Nursery and Assemble Baby Gear

Finalize the nursery and assemble essential baby gear like the stroller, bassinet, and swing. One of the most important tasks is to install a baby car seat properly.

And One More Thing on Your Third Trimester Checklist

Most mothers will wonder at some point if their concerns are reasons to go to the hospital while pregnant third trimester.

As your due date approaches, these are some valid reasons to go to hospital:

  • Regular, strong contractions that don’t go away with rest and become more frequent. You may already know the false signs of labor (Braxton Hicks contractions) – these do not happen with greater frequency like proper contractions do.
  • Your water breaking
  • A decrease in fetal movements
  • Any vaginal bleeding of any kind

Prepare For the Big Day with Stella Mattina

The third trimester is an exciting and busy time filled with final preparations for your baby’s arrival. By using our third trimester checklist, you’ll be ready to manage your health, prepare for labor and delivery, and set up your home for your newborn.

At Stella Mattina, we specialize in women’s health and would love to be your medical partner. Schedule an appointment today and let’s talk!

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Dr. Krum is currently in practice in Arlington, TX. He received his undergraduate degree at Texas A&M University, then attended UTMB Galveston for medical school, finishing in 1986, completing his residency there in 1990. Providing a full range of obstetrical and gynecological care, he specializes in the treatment of endometriosis and robotic surgery. He arranges his schedule so that same-day appointments are usually available. 

Article Name
Your Third Trimester Checklist
Use our third trimester checklist to manage your health, prepare for labor and delivery, and set up your home for your newborn.

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